
Nakon online prijave za trku s bojama Color RUNNING powered by Tikkurila

Dragi obojeni trkači,

Hvala Vam na prijavi za učešće u najzabavnijoj tematskoj trci na svetu, trci sa bojama Color RUNNING powered by Tikkurila koja se treći put zaredom, održava 16. septembra od 10 sati trka za mališane na 300m a od podne trka na 5k za odrasle. Ove godine u samom centru Beograda, na Dorćolu! Sve informacije, novitete, uputstva i dr. ćemo blagovremeno sa vama podeliti.
Prijava za trku je samo prvi korak.
Vaše učešće će biti važeće nakon uplate kotizacije za trku za koju se/svoje dete prijavljujete. Pet stotina velikih i dve stotine malih trkača koji budu najbrže uplatili svoje kotizacije će obezbediti svoje učešće u trci s bojama Color RUNNING powered by Tikkurila. Visina kotizacije iznosi 1350 dinara za uplate do 31. avgusta i 1500 dinara za uplate do 8. septembra. Visina kotizacije za dečiju trku iznosi 750 dinara za uplate do 31. avgusta i 850 dinara za uplate do 8. septembra. Ukoliko se prijavite i/ili uplatite kotizaciju nakon 8. septembra nećete dobiti majicu u startnom paketu ali vaše učešće će biti zagarantovano. Za sve korisnike Starogradske kartice obezbedili smo popust na učešće u trci a sve inofrmacije možete dobiti na broj telefona 7852999. Kotizaciju za trku moguće je uplatiti isključivo preko računa organizatora trke AK RUNNING broj br: 170-0030016763001-26. Svrha uplate: Kotizacija za učešće u trci Color RUNNING 2017 za IME_PREZIME. Preuzimanje startnih paketa biće moguće u prostorijama Ustanove kulture Parobrod, u ulici Kapetan Mišina 6a u četvrtak 14. septembra i petak 15. septembra od 12 do 19 sati.
U okviru startnog paketa dobićete torbicu ili kesu, startni broj za sebe i svog ljubimca ako trčite sa njim (ovaj broj vam je ujedno i broj za garderobu koja će biti obezbeđena na startu trku), šivenu dužu belu atlet majicu, naočare, frutabela tab, suplemente ishrani i dr.
Za sva dodatna pitanja stojimo vam na raspolaganju!
Vaš Color RUNNING organizacioni tim!
Dear Color-Runners,

Thank you so much for your online application for the participation in the most entertaining 5k race in the World – Color RUNNING powered by Tikkurila. For the third time in a row, this event will take place on September 16. Kids race shall start at 10AM and adult race at noon in the historic Dorćol area in the very center of Belgrade. We will share all information, news, instruction etc.  in good time.

Applying for this race is just a first step.

Your participation shall become valid only after the payment of the registration fee for the race for which you or your child are applying. Five hundred adults and two hundred kid racers who are the fastest to pay their fees, will secure their participation in the Color RUNNING race powered by Tikkurila. The registration fee is 1350 dinars for payments up to August 31 and 1500 dinars for payments executed by September 8. The amount of registration fee for a kids’ race is 750 dinars for payments done up to August 31 and 850 dinars for payments executed until September 8.

For all users of „Starogradska kartica“ we have provided a discount for participation in the race. All information is available at the phone number 7852999. If you register and/or pay the fee after September 8, you will not receive a T-shirt in the start-up package, but your participation will nevertheless be guaranteed. The registration fee for the race can be paid only via the account of the organizer of the race – AK RUNNING No.: 170-0030016763001-26. Purpose of payment: Registration fee for participation in the Color RUNNING race 2017 for (NAME AND SURNAME). The delivery of the start-up packages will be at the premises of the Cultural Institution PAROBROD in Kapetan Mišina street No. 6a on Thursday, September 14 and Friday, September 15, from 12am to 7pm.

In the start-up package, you will receive a bag, a start number for yourself and for your pet if you run with it (this number is also the number for the wardrobe to be provided at the start of the race), a white athlete-shirt, glasses, Fruitabella health-tab, food supplements etc.

We stand at your disposal for all additional questions!

Your Color RUNNING organizational team!

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